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Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
2018년 4월 22일, 11:25

Dear Sir or Madam, i going to arrive in cuzco today and wonder if ther exist the posssibility to do the 4days inca trail. I am looking forward to your reply

Kind Regrads


Re: Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
Messages: 825
2018년 4월 22일, 11:30

Hello Simon,

It is not possible. The 4-day Inca Trail is sold out until the end of October. It must be booked 8 months in advance. We are sorry we cannot help you.

Best regards,

AW: Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
2018년 4월 22일, 11:33

Any other possibility to climb and have a good time over there?

Or can you recommend me sth? A other organisation maybe? Thanks.

Re: Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
2018년 4월 22일, 12:09

Thank you so, so much. I will be there in the morning. Kind Regards


AW: Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
2018년 4월 24일, 15:23

Dear Heidi,

may you tell me what you can offer? Just to be aware to have a great time. For sure the 4days inca trail would be my dream. But i understand if it is doring that short time not possible. But maybe it is, if sombody cancel the trip, i wondered?

Kind Regards from Cusco


Re: Possibility Inca Trail {- 22.04.2018)
Messages: 825
2018년 4월 24일, 21:31

Dear Simon,

I cannot help you. You must go to our agency to see what is available and help you.

The 4-day Inca Trail hike is not an option. Since it is a protected site, there are strict rules set by the Ministry of Culture and there is no waiting list. If there were cancellations, those spaces would be simply lost, there are not made available never again.

Best regards,

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